Claire and Vanessa along one side of the moat at Leeds Castle.

This is an intact castle built sometime in the 1100's that is still used today for events and political meetings and of course a tourist attraction. It was used by royalty until around the 1600's when King Edward gave it over to private ownership. Since then it has been a prison and hospital as well as a home. It became predominantly a tourist attration in the 70's when the last owner Lady Baillie died. There are 24 bedrooms and nearly all of them are used for guests. The only two not used are those of Lady Baillie and Queen Catherine (one of Henry's wives).
Main entrance

Side view. Castle built over two islands.

The castle also had some other attractions, such as a maze which Claire won the race to the middle. She claims it had nothing to do with the helper who was giving her directions. Vanessa was a close second. Once there the underground grotto returned us to the outside. A friend of Lady Baillie decided to give her their dog collar collection (yes you have read that correctly) so of course we had a look. It was included in our ticket after all. The highlight was Sooty's collar. Yep, they have a fake dog's collar!!!! The final attraction was the Falconry show, but due to the excessive windy conditions they were only able to demonstrate the Buzzard. The Falcon was still a baby and still learning.

Sooty's collar - remember the tv show

Buzzard show.

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